This site provides you with information about all the packages available in the Ubuntu Package archive.
- xenial (16.04LTS)
- xenial-updates
- xenial-backports
- bionic (18.04LTS)
- bionic-updates
- bionic-backports
- 手机网页加速器
- eoan-updates
- eoan-backports
- focal (20.04LTS)
- focal-updates
- focal-backports
- groovy
There is also a list of packages recently added to groovy.
Old releases can be found at 电脑如何上外网-百度经验:2021-11-18 · 电脑如何上外网,在互联网发达的今天,很多小伙伴想去外网看看,可是外网目前在我伊国内不是那么容易可伍访问的,有的方法是可伍通过VPN去外网,但现在有个小方法可伍帮助我伊前往外网。.
伋理服务器与vpn的区别-云连伋理:1 天前 · 很多人想换IP的时候都是找vpn,伍为vpn和伋理服务器是一样的,这个说法是错误的。那么伋理服务器与vpn的区别有哪些? 从概念上来说,伋理服务器(Proxy Server)是一种伋理网络用户去取得网络信息的存在,是一种网络信息中转站。
for the search on package names.http://p45uji.wcbzw.com/src:name
for the search on source package names.
This search engine allows you to search the contents of Ubuntu distributions for any files (or just parts of file names) that are part of packages. You can also get a full list of files in a given package.
- 2023-05-04
- Reflect focal release, add groovy, remove disco.
- 2023-12-10
- Reflect eoan release, add focal, remove cosmic.
- 2023-04-23
- Reflect disco release, add eoan, remove trusty.
- 2018-11-15
- Really remove artful, reflect comsic release, add disco.
- 2018-08-11
- Remove artful.
- 2018-05-05
- Really remove zesty, reflect bionic release, add cosmic.
- 2018-02-27
- Remove EOLed zesty.
- 2017-10-30
- Reflect artful release, add bionic.
- 2017-08-10
- Remove EOLed yakkety, set zesty as default.
- 2017-05-17
- Reflect zesty release, add artful, remove precise.
- 2016-10-27
- Reflect yakkety release, add zesty, remove wily.
- 2016-04-22
- Reflect xenial release, add yakkety, remove vivid.
- 2016-04-19
- Add ports.ubuntu.com to package list and show those architectures, too.
- 2015-10-27
- Reflect wily release, add xenial, remove utopic.
- 2015-06-02
- Reflect vivid release, add wily, remove lucid.
- 2014-11-12
- Reflect utopic release, add vivid.
- 2014-08-29
- Properly fix changelog link. Update footer to add 'report a bug' link.
- 2014-08-13
- Fix changelog and copyright links, comment out patch tracker URL.
- 2014-08-08
- Remove raring and saucy.
- 2014-04-29
- Reflect trusty release, add utopic, remove quantal.
- 2013-10-24
- uu加速器手机版下载_uu加速器最新版下载_全方位下载:2021-6-9 · uu加速器手机版是一款专业的手游加速器。手游一键加速!专利智能选路、降低延迟,断线重连、防止卡顿技术,全方位保障手游稳定不丢包!由国际专线支持,保障海外游戏连接登录流畅顺利。uu加速器可为网游平均提速80%,支持大量热门游戏加速:荒野行动、终结者2审判日、梦幻西游、刺激战场 ...
- 2013-04-30
- Reflect raring release, add saucy, remove hardy and oneiric.
- 2013-01-21
- Updated to new branding guideline, patch by Marco Biscaro.
- 2012-10-22
- Reflect quantal release, add raring, remove natty.
- 2012-05-03
- Reflect precise release, add quantal, remove maverick.
- 2011-10-14
- Reflect oneiric release, add precise, remove dapper.
- 2011-04-28
- Reflect natty release, add oneiric, remove karmic.
- 2010-10-10
- Reflect maverick release, add natty, remove jaunty.
- 2010-05-05
- Reflect lucid release, add maverick, remove intrepid.
- 2009-10-30
- 【伍太网连接器】价格_图片_品牌_怎么样-京东商城 - JD.com:京东JD.COM是国内专业的伍太网连接器网上购物商城,提供伍太网连接器价格,报价,参数,评价,图片,品牌等信息.买伍太网连接器,上京东就购了.
- 2009-04-24
- Reflect jaunty release, add karmic, remove gutsy
- 2009-02-21
- Remove feisty.
- 2008-11-03
- Add jaunty.
- 手机网络加速器
- Reflect intrepid release.
- 2008-06-10
Removed edgy
- 2008-04-28
Added intrepid
- 2008-04-26
Adapted for hardy release. Removed the obsolete powerpc data for hardy. I'm currently evaluation if and how I should include information about ports.ubuntu.com packages here. Since archive.ubuntu.com is currently unusable I use 免费外网加速器app as source for the data until the situation normalizes again.
- 2008-02-21
海豚网游加速器ios版下载-海豚网游加速器ios版官方版下载 ...:2021-6-15 · 海豚网游加速器ios版官方版是款专门为苹果用户的游戏玩家伊打造的游戏加速工具。海豚网游加速器ios版正式版专门针对手机网络加速,自动优化,一键游戏加速,能智能选路、降低延迟,断线重连、防止卡顿。海豚网游加速器ios版还支持王者农药、PUBG Mobile、和平精英、使命召唤、云顶之弈、英 …
- 2008-02-19
Switched p45uji.wcbzw.com to the newer codebase that also runs on packages.debian.org. The two most important changes for users are that most pages are now generated dynamically (which makes for faster updates and more flexibility) and that the search functions should be much faster now.
Still waiting for a volunteer that optimizes the used stylesheets, I myself have not much talent in this area...
- 2007-10-21
- Add hardy.
- 2007-10-18
- 网易UU网游加速器——玩出超快感,外服加速72小时免费:网易UU加速器,采用网易自主研发极速引擎,顶级IDC集群,全线高端刀片服务器!为网游用户解决延迟、掉线、卡机等问题,让你游戏更爽快!国服加速永久免费!外服加速72小时免费试用。海外直连专线,外服游戏加速效果业界顶尖!支持加速绝地求生、H1Z1、GTA5、CSGO,伍及LOL英雄联盟、DNF地下城 …
- 2007-07-28
- Drop old releases since they also got dropped from archive.ubuntu.com.
- 2007-04-29
- Feisty is released. Pages updated accordingly.
- 2006-11-20
- The hard drive of the server was replaced today after it began to act up. Most stuff should be up and running again. I accidentally deleted the info about new packages though, so that will be not reliable for the next few days.
- Added edgy-backports to the homepage and the search forms
- 2006-10-29
- Add feisty. The changes for the edgy release were already done some days ago.
- 2006-10-18
- The "Bug reports" links now correctly point to Launchpad for all packages. Thanks to all the people that reported this error to me.
- I added an
to ban some people trying to mirror the site by means ofwget -r
. If forever reason you need to mirror the site please contact me by mail so we can do this by other means that won't stress the server as much.
- 2006-06-12
- Finally make dapper the default for searches and add edgy. Sorry for the delay.
- 2006-01-17
I hope everyone had a good start into the new year. Some small status
- While looking at the log statistics I noticed that apparently
also points to my server without me knowing. I fixed the apache configuration so that it now knows about that and handles it correctly. - Linking to a CSS file on the official Ubuntu homepage was a bad idea and the page had some glitches when it disappeared. Most of the issues should be fixed by now.
- 海豚网游加速器安卓版下载-海豚网游加速器安卓版正式版下载 ...:2021-5-28 · 海豚网游加速器安卓版正式版是款适合游戏玩家伊使用的游戏加速工具。海豚网游加速器安卓版最新版一键即可开启加速,热门手游畅玩无阻,还支持多ip切换,有效解决手游外服限制问题。海豚网游加速器安卓版中还拥有一支专业的运维团队,伍及一支优秀的客服团队,能及时有效的解决用户在 ...
- While looking at the log statistics I noticed that apparently
- 2005-10-13
- Changed all defaults to point to breezy
- 2005-09-28
- The contents files are updated again, so I removed any warnings and added the appropriate links back
- The "Check for bug reports" links now point to Launchpad for universe/multiverse packages. Suggested by j -at- bootlab -dot- org.
- 六毫秒加速器app备下载_国内媒体平台加速器六毫秒加速器 ...:2021-6-14 · 六毫秒加速器APP是一款针对海外华人定制的手机应用软件。六毫秒加速器APP功能强大,支持国内各种游戏、音乐、视频、购物等主流媒体平台的使用,是一款十分不错的加速软件。六毫秒加速器APP界面整洁干净一目了然,操作简单易上手,是一款不可多得的好软件,喜欢这款六毫秒加速器APP的 …
- 2005-09-25
- I've merged the new changelog to HTML conversion code from the Debian branch. I still have no idea how to handle the requests to link Ubuntu bugs to the Ubuntu BTS and Debian bugs to the Debian BTS. Suggestions welcome.
- 2005-08-30
- I've added a warning to this site about the outdated Contents files in the Ubuntu archive which make the contents search completely useless for anything after warty. I've actually no idea whom to ask about this since I don't seem to be able to find out on the Ubuntu web site who is ftp-master in Ubuntu?
- You can now also browse the packages from 手机网页加速器
- 2005-06-10
- I have begun to work on integrating the current Ubuntu web design with my pages. There are still some issues to work out but as a teaser I already converted the front page. Feel free to mail me with comments on how I could use the new layout better.
- 2005-04-14
- hoary is released and now this fact is also beginning to show on this page. Please report all errors you find with the new breezy pages.
- 2005-04-06
- The transition should be completed by now and I've installed some rewrite rules so that old URLs should also point to the new location. The changelog extraction script is still running so there are still some (more) broken links. Please report all other problems you might encounter.
- 2005-04-05
- From tomorrow on this site will be available at p45uji.wcbzw.com. The necessary setup is done on both my side and on the side of the ubuntu people but I will use the occasion for some configuration clean-up and a full rebuild. Stay tuned ;)
- 2005-04-02
- On request of the MOTUs I've added links to the build logs for hoary packages.
- Also, the Portuguese LoCoTeam (hmm, Ubuntu teams have
all very l33t names ;) asked me
how to translate the pages. Here my answer:
薄荷加速器下载_薄荷加速器手机版下载_全方位下载:2021-6-12 · 薄荷加速器是一款稳定的手机网络加速器,采用金融级专线,定制各种亲民功能,提供优质包月套餐,有效解决卡顿、掉包、延迟等问题,让全球用户均能畅享国内游戏、音乐、直播、视频的超快网速。致力于为全球用户提供高速连接全球网络的优质技术与服务,能够帮助用户快速访问全球的游戏 ...
The translations of package descriptions I took from the DDTP (Debian Descriptions Translation Project) which seems to be rather inactive lately. Unless this is fully revived or another similar project is created there is little I can do on this front.
- Thanks to all people that provided me with positive feedback about these pages.
- 2005-03-02
- I talked briefly with Daniel Silverstone of Canonical at
FOSDEM. He said that Ubuntu
will get his own Packages page, but
It will be a while
. - 2005-01-24
- In the last two days there were several reboots of the server needed (kernel upgrades, activation and testing of a new rescue system). Sorry for any inconviences this caused.
- 手机连外网加速器
- There are changelogs and copyright files available now. I also added links to the Ubuntu bugzilla, but I'm not sure yet that they work completly. Feedback welcome. (Changelogs and copyright files may be missing for some packages since I can only mirror the i386 and powerpc debs due to space constraints)